Thursday, February 14, 2008


I might have mentioned before that I write music. Today I was playing around with an idea that I think I might make into a full song when I noticed a coincidence.

Originally, I couldn't think of what to save my files as, so I had to hastily name them before I could save them. Most of them have the name I eventually gave them.

A few of them describe the genre they fit into: "NuTrance" "HouseBeat" "ReturnToDrumNBass".

A few describe what I was trying to evoke by writing them: "Questing" "Ominous" "Drift"

Some of them just reminded me to come back and finish them: "RhythmWorthDeveloping" "BuildOnThis" "PossibilityExists"

Eventually I settled on a 3-digit number (for keeping track of them chronologically) followed by a brief description, usually the genre.

And on 2/14, I reached track #214.

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