Friday, October 17, 2008


Both McCain and Obama were there. Both were funny, but Obama killed.

McCain first...

and then Obama.

Although I've been for Obama since John Edwards dropped out of the Democratic primary race, if I had been undecided before watching this, Obama would have clinched it. For me, ties go to whoever's funnier.

I just finished downloading and installing the patch (took 2 fucking days on Verizon DSL D:< ), and haven't played yet. This is only my initial reaction to what stood out from amidst the many minor talent and skill tweaks, writing each point as I read the relevant patch note.

* Achievements. "Explore the map completely" should be one. I'd go for that.
* Hit and Spell Hit, Crit and Spell Crit, and Haste and Spell Haste have been merged into three stats. This is an attempt to reduce the number of items required to cover one class's disparate talent trees. For example, certain items are now equally useful to a Moonkin druid as to a Feral druid.

* You can now Entangling Roots indoors. Underused before, for that very reason. Smart.
* Feral Charge can be used in Cat form. I don't even wanna THINK about how broken that's going to be in conjunction with Prowl.
* Feral Swiftness indoors. Yay.
* Nature's Grasp now a base skill. Once again, I guess no one was using it. I probably still won't.
* Druids get an non-cooldown rez!

* Two more stable slots, for a total of 5 pets.
* Pets get their own talent trees? Someone's been busy.
* Viper aspect changed. Half damage, but each shot regens based on weapon speed.
* Disengage now makes you jump backwards. I can't wait to see someone accidentally fall off a cliff because of this.
* "If a hunter tames a pet that is more than five levels beneath their own level, the pet will then have their level increased to five levels beneath the hunter’s own level." But will Keahrde's lv.56 owl be retroactively raised to 65 because of this?
* The pet loyalty system was eliminated. Does that mean we no longer have to feed them?
* Scattershot is a Survival talent now? Boo!

* Blast Wave adds Knockback.
* Evocation cooldown reduced to 5 minutes. Somehow I think it STILL won't be enough.
* No new spells?

* Some Blessings are now Hands. No doubt this will cause confusion. However, It appears now that a paladin can cast both Salvation and Might/Wisdom on the same target.
* Seals and Judgements have been completely revamped. So much for stacking Seal of Light and Judgement of Light for extra healing. Now There are Three Judgements, they're instant, Seals are no longer consumed by any of them.
* Summoned mounts are now free. Warlocks, likely the same.

* Holy Fire now faster cast, more powerful, has cooldown.
* Holy Nova is cheaper.
* Lightwell renew now only breaks if any one attack hits for more than 30% health. It might actually be useful now.
* Prayer of Mending can crit now.

* Dagger and Fist Weapon spec merged.
* Dual Wield spec is now available at lv10.
* "Energy regeneration should now be smoother." What does this mean? Instead of +20/2sec, it will be something like more ticks for less energy? +5/0.5sec? +1/0.1 sec?
* Mace spec no longer stuns. THAAANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!
* No longer brew your own poisons. Poisons are now available from vendors.

* Flametongue has switched from +FireDmg/Hit to increasing spell damage.
* Earthliving weapon increases heals.
* Windfury now replaces Rockbiter? Seriously?
* Windfury totem now increases melee haste instead of extra swings.

* Demons no longer need to be trained. Poor Spackle Thornberry, put out of business by the devs.
* Doomguards now 20% more HP.
* Fel Armor no longer increases healing on you; retains +spell damage. +Healing on you now on Demon Armor.
* Felhunters get a special attack: Shadow Bite.

* Mace spec, again, no longer stuns.
* Major disciplines (Retailation, Shield Wall, Recklessness) now down to 12 seconds, cooldown reduced from an hour to 5 minutes.

* Inscription now available.
* Vanity Pets and mounts no longer take up item slots? So my kitty is now essentially a spell?!?
* Quests can be shared at any distance. About time already.
* /cower has an animation. Maybe now any Horde that see me use it may back off. But somehow I think the opposite is more likely.
* My AddOns are all broken AGAIN, No doubt.